WPA05 of Basic data and decision analysis in R, taught at the University of Konstanz in Winter 2017/2018.
To complete and submit these exercises, please remember and do the following:
Your WPAs should be written as scripts of commented code (as
files) and submitted as reproducible documents that combine text with code (in.html
formats).A simple
template is provided here.(Alternatively, open a plain R script and save it as
Also enter the current assignment (e.g., WPA05), your name, and the current date at the top of your document. When working on a task, always indicate which task you are answering with appopriate comments.
Here is an example how your file JillJack_WPA05_171127.R
could look:
# Assignment: WPA 05
# Name: Jill, Jack
# Date: 2017 Nov 27
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# A. In Class
# Exercise 1: Getting started
# ...
Complete as many exercises as you can by Wednesday (23:59).
Submit your script or output file (including all code) to the appropriate folder on Ilias.
A. In Class
Here are some warm-up exercises that review some important skills from previous and practice the basic concepts of the current chapter:
0. The following steps prepare the current session by opening an R project, creating a new .Rmd
file, and compiling it into an .html
output file:
0a. Open your R project from last week (called RCourse
or something similar), which contains some files and at least two subfolders (data
and R
0b. Create a new R Markdown (.Rmd
) script and save it as LastFirst_WPA##_yymmdd.Rmd
(with an appropriate header) in your project directory.
0c. You need the latest version of the yarrr
package (v0.1.2) in this WPA. Install the package from CRAN with install.packages()
if you haven’t already done so.
0d. Insert a code chunk and load the rmarkdown
, knitr
and yarrr
packages. (Hint: It’s always a good idea to name code chunks and load all required packages with library()
at the beginning of your document.)
0e. Make sure that you can create an .html
output-file by “knitting” your current document.
0f. When working with graphics, it is advisable to save the original par()
settings (e.g., into an object opar
), so that they can be restored later (by evaluating par(opar)
opar <- par() # saves original (default) par settings
par(opar) # restores original (default) par settings
Basic Plots
Aggregating and plotting data
1. This exercise practices previous skills (on loading and aggregating data) and combines them with a first plotting command:
1a. Reload the data set clothes.csv
(described and used in WPA04) – which is available here – into a data frame called clothes.df
. (Hint: Use the read.table()
function for a comma-delimited file containing a header row.)
clothes.df <- read.table(file = "http://Rpository.com/down/data/WPA04_clothes.csv", # from url
#file = "data/WPA04_clothes.csv", # local file
header = TRUE, sep = ",")
1b. Calculate the average price for shoes and suits for men and women. (Hint: This can be achieved in 4 commands with appropriate subsets. Alternatively, use the deplyr
package with appropriate filter and group settings for the type and group variables of clothes.df
1c. Create a stacked barplot that shows the average price for shoes and suits for men and women. (Hint: You first need to store the 4 means computed in Exercise 1b. in a 2 x 2-matrix.)
2. In Exercise 3c of WPA04 you compared the average recommended retail prices of different kinds (or type
) of clothing items by the group
for which they are designed. Calculate these means again (using the aggregate()
function) and compare the result with a visualization of the raw data (using the yarrr
package’s pirateplot()
3. As we’ll be creating histograms and scatterplots below, let’s practice some function curves here. You want to plot some curvy functions, but an evil spirit messed up the following code to only show straight lines. (Hint: Modify the curve()
functions to match the definitions in the legend. See the example code in YaRrr, Ch. 9, Figure 57.)
# Define plot area:
plot(1, xlim = c(-5, 5), ylim = c(-5, 5), type = "n",
main = "Plotting function lines with CORRUPTED curves", ylab = "", xlab = "")
abline(h = 0) # x-axis
abline(v = 0) # y-axis
# Define colors:
col.vec <- c("blue3", "red3", "green3", "orange")
# Define 4 curves:
curve(expr = x*1, from = -5, to = 5, add = TRUE, lwd = 3, col = col.vec[1])
curve(expr = -1/3*x, from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, lwd = 3, col = col.vec[2])
curve(expr = 3*x/x, from = -5, to = 5, add = TRUE, lwd = 3, col = col.vec[3])
my.fun <- function(x) {return(dnorm(x, mean = 100, sd = 10))}
curve(expr = my.fun, from = -5, to = 5, add = TRUE, lwd = 3, col = col.vec[4])
# Add legend:
legend = c("x^3", "-x^(1/3)", "-sin(x)*3", "dnorm(x, 3, 1/3"),
col = col.vec[1:4], lwd = 3, lty = 1, cex = 1, bty = "n")
Plotting points and text
4. Assume you wanted to visualize that R can be used for Statistics, Graphics, and Simulations. The following plot provides a good start, but suggests that the three tasks are quite isolated:
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) # remove margins
plot(1, xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10),
type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n") # empty canvas
# Plot 3 points:
points(x = c(2, 5, 8), y = c(3, 3, 3),
pch = 21, cex = 40,
col = gray(.5, .5),
bg = c("yellow1", "red1", "green1")
# bg = c(unikn.pal[1], unikn.pal[2], unikn.pal[3])
# Add text labels:
text(5, 8, "R = ", cex = 2)
text(2, 3, "Statistics", cex = 1.5)
text(5, 3, "Graphics", cex = 1.5)
text(8, 3, "Simulations", cex = 1.5)
Modify the code to convey a more integrated perspective on R. (Hint: Shift the positions of the points and labels so that the three domains overlap – like Venn diagrams – and use transparent colors.)
5. R is great for using colors to make graphic representations more interesting and more informative. Here are some exercises that practice some color settings. (Hint: The colors()
command shows you the 657 colors that are predefined in R.)
5a. The famous Stroop task requires that participants name the colors in which various color names are printed, which is much more difficult than reading the series of color names that are printed in various colors (presumably as the reading of the color words is automatic and difficult to inhibit). The following code provides the basic ingredients for such a task, but the color names are too regular and all printed in white:1
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg = "gray20")
plot(1, xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(0, 10), type = "n",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n") # empty canvas
my.colors <- c("color1", "color2", "color3", "color4")
N <- 4*5
col.names <- rep(my.colors, 5)
text(2, 1, col.names[1], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(4, 1, col.names[2], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(6, 1, col.names[3], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(8, 1, col.names[4], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(2, 3, col.names[5], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(4, 3, col.names[6], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(6, 3, col.names[7], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(8, 3, col.names[8], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(2, 5, col.names[9], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(4, 5, col.names[10], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(6, 5, col.names[11], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(8, 5, col.names[12], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(2, 7, col.names[13], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(4, 7, col.names[14], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(6, 7, col.names[15], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(8, 7, col.names[16], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(2, 9, col.names[17], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(4, 9, col.names[18], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(6, 9, col.names[19], col = "white", cex = 3)
text(8, 9, col.names[20], col = "white", cex = 3)
par(opar) # restore default settings
Modify this code into a Stroop task. (Hint: First change my.colors
to use actual R colors, and then change the assignement of col.names
so that it actually draws a sample of 20 color names from my.colors
. Then draw a second random sample of 20 color values from my.colors
and print the text labels in those colors.)
5b. One way to make some plots more informative is using different levels of a color and transparency. Define 10 different shades of gray and use them to randomly color the dots in the following scatterplot:
N <- 100
xs <- rnorm(N) # N random x values
ys <- xs + rnorm(N) # N random y values
# (a) Black version:
plot(xs, ys, main = "(a) black in black", pch = 16, cex = 4)
(Hint: Use the gray()
function to generate 10 different levels of gray and draw a sample from these shades to color each point of the plot.)
Checkpoint 1
At this point you completed all basic exercises. This is good, but additional practice will deepen your understanding, so please keep carrying on…
B. At Home
A JDM Study: The effect of personal value on utilitarian moral judgments
In this part, we will analyze data from:
- Millar, C., Starmans, C., Fugelsang, J., & Friedman, O. (2016). It’s personal: The effect of personal value on utilitarian moral judgments. Judgment and Decision Making, 11(4), 326–331.
Here is the article’s abstract:
We investigated whether the personal importance of objects influences utilitarian decision-making in which damaging property is necessary to produce an overall positive outcome. In Experiment 1, participants judged saving five objects by destroying a sixth object to be less acceptable when the action required destroying the sixth object directly (rather than as a side-effect) and the objects were personally important (rather than unimportant). In Experiment 2, we demonstrated that utilitarian judgments were not influenced by the objects’ monetary worth. Together these findings suggest that personal importance underlies people’s sensitivity to damaging property as a means for utilitarian gains.
The full paper is available at the journal Judgment and Decision Making (in html and pdf format).
Data sets
The paper reports two studies:
- The data from Study 1 is available here and contains the following variables:
Variable | Description |
Acceptability.Score | How acceptable is the action? |
Important | Were the objects important to the owner or not? |
Direct | Was the destruction of an object a means of saving others or a side-effect? |
Cover.Story | Was the object a poster or a clock? |
Gender | Participant gender |
Age | Participant Age |
TopicCompQ | Comprehension question 1 |
ExpensiveCompQ | Comprehension question 2 |
ImportanceCompQ | Comprehension question 3 |
Failed.controls. | Did participant fail an attention check? |
- The data from Study 2 is available here and contains the following variables:
Variable | Description |
Acceptability.Score | How acceptable is the action? |
Important | Were the objects important to the owner or not? |
Direct | Was the destruction of an object a means of saving others or a side-effect? |
Expensive | Was the object expensive or not? |
PreviousTrolley | Did participants complete a trolley problem in the past? |
Gender | Participant gender |
Age | Participant Age |
TopicCompQ | Comprehension question 1 |
ExpensiveCompQ | Comprehension question 2 |
ImportanceCompQ | Comprehension question 3 |
Failed.controls. | Did participant fail an attention check? |
Data cleaning
6. A typical problem when working with real data is that the data is messy and requires some pre-processing before it can be analyzed. For our paper, the data of the two studies are stored in two .csv
- The data for Study 1 is at http://journal.sjdm.org/16/16428/expt1.csv
- The data for Study 2 is at http://journal.sjdm.org/16/16428/expt2.csv
6a. Load the data into R by using read.table()
into new objects called study1
and study2
. (Hint: You can either read the tables directly from the web, or first download the files to your data
folder, and then load them. Either way, make sure to use the arguments sep = ","
and header = TRUE
study1 <- read.table(file = "http://journal.sjdm.org/16/16428/expt1.csv", # from url
#file = "data/expt1.csv", # from local file
sep = ",", header = TRUE)
study2 <- read.table(file = "http://journal.sjdm.org/16/16428/expt2.csv", # from url
#file ="data/expt2.csv", # from local file
sep = ",", header = TRUE)
6b. Explore the structure of each data frame using str()
. Do you notice something strange about the class of the Acceptability.Score
column? Run a frequency table of the data with table()
to see what’s going on.
#> 1 1-9 scale 2 3 4 5
#> 2 26 1 4 48 21 67
#> 6 7 8 9
#> 53 107 27 38
# There is a value called "1-9 scale".
6c. The data frames contain some miscoded values. To see this, look at the last few rows of the files as follows:
tail(study1) # show last few rows
6d. As you can see, there are some notes at the bottom of the files. We first have to fix this by manually going through each column and setting invalid values to NA
. To do this, we’ll create a custom recoding function called recode.v
that takes a vector as an argument, and returns a vector with old values recoded to new ones. Run the following code to create the recoding function recode.v
# Just COPY, PASTE, and RUN this code:
# Create a new function called recode.v:
recode.v <- function(x, # what vector do you want to recode?
old, # what values do you want to change?
new, # what should the new values be?
otherNA = TRUE, # should other values be converted to NA?
numeric = TRUE) { # should result be numeric?
x.new <- x # copy vector to x.new
if(class(x.new) == "factor") {x.new <- paste(x.new)} # remove factors
for(i in 1:length(old)) { # loop through all old values:
x.new[x == old[i]] <- new[i]
if(otherNA) { # convert unspecified values to NA:
x.new[(x %in% old) == FALSE] <- NA
if(numeric) {x.new <- as.numeric(x.new)} # convert vector to numeric values
return(x.new) # return new vector
Here’s how our new function recode.v()
works. Run the following code and check the output:
# Just COPY, PASTE, and RUN this code:
# Recode a string vector of gender data to 0, 1:
recode.v(x = c("m", "male", "f", "female", "other", "mixed", NA),
old = c("m", "male", "f", "female"),
new = c(1, 1, 0, 0))
#> [1] 1 1 0 0 NA NA NA
6e. Now that we have defined recode.v
, let’s apply it to all the data columns. Run the following code to clean the data:
# Just COPY, PASTE, and RUN this code:
## Study 1 cleaning:
study1$Acceptability.Score <- recode.v(study1$Acceptability.Score, old = 1:9, new = 1:9)
study1$Important <- recode.v(study1$Important, old = c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study1$Direct <- recode.v(study1$Direct, old = c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study1$Cover.Story <- recode.v(study1$Cover.Story, old = c("1", "1-poster", "2", "2-clock"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study1$Gender <- recode.v(study1$Gender, old = c("1", "1-male", "2", "2-female"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
## Study 2 cleaning:
names(study2)[1] <- "Acceptability.Score" # Variable name for study2 was not the same as study1!
study2$Acceptability.Score <- recode.v(study2$Acceptability.Score, old = 1:9, new = 1:9)
study2$Important <- recode.v(study2$Important, old = c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study2$Direct <- recode.v(study2$Direct, old = c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study2$Expensive <- recode.v(study2$Expensive, old = c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study2$PreviousTrolley <- recode.v(study2$PreviousTrolley,
old = c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"),
new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study2$Gender <- recode.v(study2$Gender, old = c("1", "1-male", "2", "2-female"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study2$TopicCompQ <- recode.v(study2$TopicCompQ, old = c("2", "4", "4-dolly/brakes"), new = c(2, 4, 4))
study2$ExpensiveCompQ <- recode.v(study2$ExpensiveCompQ,
old = c("1", "1-expensive", "2", "2-inexpensive"),
new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
study2$ImportanceCompQ <- recode.v(study2$ExpensiveCompQ, c("1", "1-yes", "2", "2-no"), new = c(1, 1, 2, 2))
6f. Now examine the structure of the dataframes with str()
, and the last few rows with tail()
. Do they look ok now?
7a. Create a histogram of the acceptability scores from Study%nbsp;1. Add appropriate labels and colors as you see fit!
7b. Now do the same for Study%nbsp;2 and add a dashed line at the mean of the distribution. (Hint: Use abline()
or segments()
to add a vertical line.)
8a. Create a scatterplot showing the relationship between age and acceptability score in Study 1 and add appropriate labels!
8b. Now pimp the plot a bit (i.e., make it look prettier, but also more informative). Try changing the point types (e.g., pch = 16
), point sizes (e.g., cex = 2
), and colors (e.g., col = gray(.0, .2)
, or col = transparent("blue", .5)
8c. Now add grid lines to your plot. (Hint: Just evaluate grid()
after your plot.)
8d. Now let’s add a regression line to the plot. Adding a regression line is easy. First, create a linear model object created with lm()
. Then add the model to the plot with abline()
8e. Now create the same scatterplot for the Study 2 data. Be sure to include the gridlines and a linear regression line.
9. The authors present the following barplot as Figure 1 (on p. 328).
Let’s try to represent the same data with a barplot in R!
9a. In order to create a stacked barplot with the barplot()
function, we first need to create a matrix of values. Run the following code to calculate a matrix of mean acceptability scores as a function of Important and Direct with aggregate()
and cbind()
# Just COPY, PASTE, and RUN this code:
# Compute group means of study1:
s1.as.means <- aggregate(Acceptability.Score ~ Important + Direct,
FUN = mean,
data = study1)
# Create a matrix of group means:
s1.as.means.mtx <- cbind(s1.as.means[1:2, 3], s1.as.means[3:4, 3])
colnames(s1.as.means.mtx) <- c("Means", "Side effect")
rownames(s1.as.means.mtx) <- c("Important", "Unimportant")
9b. Now create a barplot from the Study 1 data by entering the correct arguments in the following code:
# fix this code by replacing ZZZ with the correct arguments:
barplot(height = ZZZ,
beside = ZZZ,
legend.text = ZZZ,
ylim = c(ZZZ, ZZZ),
ylab = "ZZZ",
main = "ZZZ")
9c. Now, repeat the process to get a barplot for Study 2:
10a. Create a pirateplot of the same data from Study 1. Add appropriate labels and feel free to use your favorite theme (1, 2, or 3), and color palette from the piratepal()
function. (Hint: Run ?pirateplot
for the help menu and piratepal("all")
to see all color palettes.)
pirateplot(formula = Acceptability.Score ~ Important + Direct,
data = study1,
pal = "basel",
theme = 1,
main = "Study 1",
gl.col = unikn.pal[4],
back.col = unikn.pal[9]
10b. Now do the same for Study 2. Again, add appropriate labels (and feel free to use your favorite palette or theme).
Checkpoint 2:
If you got this far you’re doing great, but don’t give up just yet…
Histogram with 2 variables
11. Create the following overlapping histogram showing the distribution of acceptability scores between the two studies:
col = unikn.pal.ty[3],
border = "white",
xlab = "Acceptability Score",
main = "Acceptability Score by Study",
probability = FALSE)
col = unikn.pal.ty[7],
border = "white", add = TRUE, probability = FALSE)
legend(x = 1, y = 100,
legend = c("Study 1", "Study 2"),
col = c(unikn.pal.ty[3], unikn.pal.ty[7]),
pch = c(15, 15), bty = "n")
Scatterplot with reference lines
12a. Add a new column to study2$income
that shows income as a function of Age
# Just COPY, PASTE, and RUN this code:
# Add a new column to Study 1 called Income:
study1$Income <- study1$Age + rnorm(n = nrow(study1), mean = 10, sd = 15)
# Add a new column to Study 2 called Income:
study2$Income <- 40 + rnorm(n = nrow(study2), mean = 10, sd = 15)
12b. With these new variables, create a scatterplot that shows Income
as a function of Age
for both studies (by using the following template and adding pch
values, color and/or transparency):
# Create a blank plot with labels:
plot(x = 1,
y = 1,
xlim = c(18, 80),
ylim = c(0, 100),
xlab = "Age",
ylab = "Income",
main = "Income by age",
type = "n")
# Study 1:
points(x = study1$Age,
y = study1$Income
abline(lm(Income ~ Age, data = study1),
lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# Study 2:
points(x = study2$Age,
abline(lm(Income ~ Age, data = study2),
lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# Add legend:
legend(x = 72,
y = 72,
legend = c("Study 1", "Study 2")
# Add gridlines:
Checkpoint 3:
If you got this far you’re doing an amazing job – well done! Enjoy the following challenges…
C. Challenges
Pick a plot
13. For this exercise, you decide which type of plot you think best represents the data. The movies
dataframe in the yarrr
package contains data about the top 5,000 grossing movies of all time. (Hint: You can learn more about the data using the help menu ?movies
13a. Create a plot that shows the relationship between a movie’s release year
and its running time
. Customise the plot to make it look nice. Then add the names of the two longest movies (as text()
13b. Create a plot that shows the relationship between a movie’s budget and its revenue. Customise it and make it look nice!
13c. Create a plot that shows the relationship between genre
and time
. Customise it and make it look nice! (Hint: You may notice that many of the times are equal to 0, try creating the plot after excluding these values using subset
pirateplot(formula = time ~ genre,
data = subset(movies,
time > 0 & # Many movies had a time of 0
(genre %in% c("Reality", "Multiple Genres", "Concert/Performance")) == FALSE), # These genres had almost no data
main = "Movie running times by genre",
xlab = "Genre",
ylab = "Running Time (in minutes)"
rgb(19, 72, 206, maxColorValue = 255)
#> [1] "#1348CE"
Color palette power
14. Let’s define our own color palette. The corporate design regulations of the University of Konstanz include a color scheme. On page 19 of the Corporate Design Manual, the Seeblau colors are defined as follows:
Define your own Seeblau color palette in R and use it to modify the following code (adapted from YaRrr, Ch. 10, Figure 60):
google.colors <- c(rgb(19, 72, 206, maxColorValue = 255),
rgb(206, 45, 35, maxColorValue = 255),
rgb(253, 172, 10, maxColorValue = 255),
rgb(18, 140, 70, maxColorValue = 255))
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(1, xlim = c(0, 7), ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "n", bty = "n")
points(1:6, rep(.5, 6),
pch = c(15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 15),
col = google.colors[c(1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2)], cex = 8)
text(3.5, .7, "Do you recognize these colors?", cex = 2)
Plot your own data
15. (Re-)create or improve a plot. Go to one of the following websites (or a similar one) and select a graph or statistic:
- http://www.spiegel.de/thema/infografik_der_woche/
- http://www.destatis.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/ZahlenFakten.html
Now create a new and/or better graphical representation of those numbers, including a suitable graph title, labels, and legend. (Hint: Choose a plot that allows you to obtain the actual numbers for multiple categories and make sure to cite and include a link to the source of your data.)
A possible solution
Let’s re-create the following graphic, depicting causes of “unnatural deaths” in Germany from 1980 to 2014 in a bar chart — and contrasting it with the number of deaths due to “falling from ladders”:
# Data:
causes <- c("Stromunfälle im Haushalt", "Feuerwerk", "Reitunfälle", "Vergiftung durch Nahrung",
"Kontakt mit giftigen Tiere und Pflanzen", "Angriffe durch nichtgiftige Tiere",
"Wetter und Naturkatastrophen", "Stürze von Leitern")
deaths.1 <- c(1110, 19, 691, 181, 708, 955, 391, 0)
deaths.2 <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4939)
un.deaths <- data.frame(causes, deaths.1, deaths.2)
#names(un.deaths) <- c("Cause of death", "Unnatural deaths", "Ladder accidents")
# Colors:
color.vec <- c(yarrr::piratepal("info2")[1:7], unikn.pal.ty[4])
# As bar plot:
barplot(height = cbind(un.deaths$deaths.1, un.deaths$deaths.2),
ylim = c(0, 6000),
xlab = "Unnatural deaths vs. ladder accidents",
ylab = "Number of deaths (in total)",
main = "Unnatural deaths in Germany from 1980 to 2014",
col = color.vec #,
# legend = un.deaths$causes
# Add legend:
legend = un.deaths$causes,
pch = 15,
col = color.vec,
cex = 1.0,
bty = "o")
From bar to pie
Pie charts are rarely more informative than bar charts, but can easily be done in R as well. To emphasize that the number of ladder accidents exceeds those by all other causes of “unnatural” deaths, the following chart states the percentages of all causes (relative to those considered here):
all.causes <- causes
all.deaths <- c(1110, 19, 691, 181, 708, 955, 391, 4939)
pct <- round(all.deaths/sum(all.deaths) * 100) # compute percentages
pcts <- paste(pct, "%", sep = "") # as percentage labels (with "%")
lbls <- paste(all.causes, "\n", pcts, sep = " ") # combine causes with percentage labels
labels = lbls,
main = "Unnatural deaths in Germany from 1980 to 2014",
col = color.vec)
Data sources for this plot:
That’s it – hope you enjoyed working on this assignment!
updated on 2017-11-27 15:59:16 by hn.]
This code could be written more efficiently, but since we have not yet covered loops in R we’re using 20
commands instead.↩